State Archives of Belgium

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Name Repositorie and Service Function
Amara Michaël National Archives of Belgium
Contemporary Archives (NAB1 + NAB2 [Sect. 5], Victimes of War)
Antoine François State Archives in Brussels
Head of Service
Auwers Michael CegeSoma - Study Centre War and Society
Academic Activities and Public History
Bernardo y Garcia Luis Angel National Archives 2 - Joseph Cuvelier repository
Bodart Emmanuel State archives in Namur
Head of Service
Bonnivert Antoine National Archives of Belgium
Archive Ancien Regime and reception (NAB1 [Sect. 4])
Callewier Hendrik State archives in Bruges
Head of Service
Carnier Marc State archives in Leuven
Head of Service
Chardonnens Anne CegeSoma - Study Centre War and Society
Documentation and Digitisation
Charon Arnaud National Archives of Belgium
Contemporary Archives (NAB1 + NAB2 [Sect. 5], Victimes of War)
Coenen Annelies National Archives of Belgium
Digitization and Digital Valorization Service (DiVa)
Colignon Alain CegeSoma - Study Centre War and Society
Academic Activities and Public History
Coppieters Guy National Archives of Belgium
Contemporary Archives (NAB1 + NAB2 [Sect. 5], Victimes of War)
D'hoore Baudouin Archives of the Royal Palace
Dam Eric National Archives of Belgium
Director of Support Services
Dambruyne Johan State archives in Antwerp-Beveren
Head of Service
De Mecheleer Godelieve National Archives of Belgium
Archive Ancien Regime and reception (NAB1 [Sect. 4])
de Moreau de Gerbehaye Claude National Archives of Belgium
Deceulaer Harald State archives in Antwerp-Beveren
Depoortere Rolande National Archives of Belgium
DAD (Digital Archive)
Derwael Joachim National Archives 2 - Joseph Cuvelier repository
Head of Service
Deschamphelaere Freya National Archives of Belgium
DAD (Digital Archive)
Deschamps Stéphanie National Archives of Belgium
Communications and marketing department
Desmaele Bernard State archives in Tournai
Head of Service
Desmet Gertjan CegeSoma - Study Centre War and Society
General Services
Devolder Kathleen National Archives of Belgium
Service Archives Supervision
Drossens Paul State archives in Ghent
Head of Service
Druez Laurence State archives in Liège
Dubois Sébastien National Archives of Belgium
Operational Directorate Wallonia
Durieux Romain National Archives of Belgium
Service Archives Supervision
Elaut Geertje National Archives of Belgium
Communications and marketing department
Fabry Philippe National Archives of Belgium
Risk Prevention Officer
Focant Marc State archives in Namur
Godinas Julie State archives in Namur
Gouverneur Romy State archives in Tournai
Head of Service
Henin Catherine State archives in Louvain-la-Neuve
Head of Service
Herrebout Els State archives in Eupen
Head of Service
Honnoré Laurent State archives in Mons
Head of Service
Horge Virginien State archives in Namur
Huys Caroline National Archives of Belgium
Jacquemin Madeleine National Archives of Belgium
Jacquemin Anne State archives in Liège
Jongepier Iason National Archives of Belgium
Digitization and Digital Valorization Service (DiVa)
Kesteloot Chantal CegeSoma - Study Centre War and Society
Academic Activities and Public History
Libert Marc National Archives of Belgium
Archive Ancien Regime and reception (NAB1 [Sect. 4])
Head of Service
Luyten Dirk CegeSoma - Study Centre War and Society
Academic Activities and Public History
Maerten Fabrice CegeSoma - Study Centre War and Society
Documentation and Digitisation
Moreau François State archives in Arlon
Niebes Pierre-Jean State archives in Mons
Nijssen Rombout State archives in Hasselt
Head of Service
Nouws Bieke National Archives of Belgium
Service Archives Supervision
Onghena Sofie National Archives of Belgium
Publication Service and Print Shop
Head of Research Projects
Oosterbosch Michel State archives in Antwerp-Beveren
Petitjean Bernadette State archives in Namur
Peuch Benjamin National Archives of Belgium
DAD (Digital Archive)
Project Collaborator
Ponteville Isabelle CegeSoma - Study Centre War and Society
General Services
Preneel Marijke National Archives of Belgium
Service Archives Supervision
Puccio Laetizia State archives in Namur
Head of Research Projects
Put Eddy State archives in Leuven
Quadflieg Peter State archives in Eupen
Samyn Stephanie National Archives of Belgium
Service Archives Supervision
Six Caroline National Archives 2 - Joseph Cuvelier repository
Somers Annelies State archives in Ghent
Sproten Vitus State archives in Eupen
Strubbe Filip National Archives of Belgium
Contemporary Archives (NAB1 + NAB2 [Sect. 5], Victimes of War)
Surdiacourt Nicolas National Archives of Belgium
Service Archives Supervision
Tallier Pierre-Alain National Archives of Belgium
Head of Department Brussels (ad interim)
Theate Sandra National Archives of Belgium
Thomas Aline National Archives of Belgium
Contemporary Archives (NAB1 + NAB2 [Sect. 5], Victimes of War)
Trigalet Michel State archives in Liège
Head of Service
Van De Walle Johannes National Archives 2 - Joseph Cuvelier repository
Van Der Eycken Johan National Archives of Belgium
DAD (Digital Archive)
Van der gracht Roland National Archives of Belgium
Publication Service and Print Shop
van eeckenrode Marie National Archives 2 - Joseph Cuvelier repository
Van Honacker Karin National Archives of Belgium
Service International and External Affairs / translation service
Verfaillie Joke State archives in Ghent
Vrancken Valerie State archives in Leuven
Head of Research Projects
Wilkin Bernard State archives in Liège
Willems Bart State archives in Antwerp-Beveren
Wouters Nico CegeSoma - Study Centre War and Society e-Procurement