State Archives of Belgium

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Research projects

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Current projects

DatesState Archives concernedProject title
2013 > 2025Ghent - Mons - NAB - Joseph Cuvelier - Arlon - Brussels - NAB -
2015 > 2030Namur - Mons - Louvain-la-Neuve -
2023 > 2027Ghent
2022 > 2024NAB
2020 > 2024Ghent
2020 > 2030NAB - Joseph Cuvelier
2019 > 2027NAB - Joseph Cuvelier
2020 > 2024NAB
2021 > 2025NAB
2021 > 2031Brussels
2022 > 2026Brussels
2021 > 2025NAB
2021 > 2031NAB
2023 > 2025CegeSoma
2022 > 2026Ghent
2022 > 2032Namur
2022 > 2032Antwerp - Beveren -
2020 > 2030CegeSoma
2023 > 2025Eupen
2023 > 2027NAB - Joseph Cuvelier
2023 > 2027NAB
2022 > 2032NAB - Joseph Cuvelier
2012 > 2030NABBibliography of the History of Belgium
2023 > 2026NAB - Joseph CuvelierColonial Sources: Improve access, Share archives and Promote knowledge on the colonial past (Belgium, Burundi, the DRCongo and Rwanda)
2020 > 2030NABDIGHIMAPS - Digital Maps and Archives. Activating Cartographic Collections in a Digital World
2010 > 2026Namur - Saint-Hubert - Liège - Tournai - Mons - Louvain-la-Neuve - Arlon - Local Archives in Wallonia: preservation and valorisation of the local archival heritage

Finished projects

DatesState Archives concernedProject title
2014 > 2018NAB
2012 > 2017Liège - Brussels -
2011 > 2017Brussels
2013 > 2017NAB
2011 > 2016NAB
2015 > 2018Liège - NAB -
2015 > 2020CegeSoma - NAB -
2015 > 2018NAB
2015 > 2017NAB - Joseph Cuvelier - NAB -
2015 > 2017NAB
2013 > 2019Namur
2011 > 2015NAB - Joseph Cuvelier
2017 > 2019CegeSoma
2016 > 2018CegeSoma
2017 > 2019Leuven
2016 > 2022Brussels
2017 > 2019NAB
2017 > 2021NAB
2017 > 2018CegeSoma
2020 > 2022NAB
2019 > 2023Leuven
2020 > 2021Liège - NAB -
2020 > 2023NAB - Joseph Cuvelier
2021 > 2022Namur - Liège - Mons -
2021 > 2022NAB
2013 > 2014Tournai Walloon archeology: promoting historical research based on archives
2019 > 2022NABBISHOPS : Belgian Infrastructure for Social Sciences and Humanities Open Science
2011 > 2017NABFrench broadcasts of Belgian radio and television (RTB): how does a government body takes shape? (1960-1977)
2011 > 2013Leuven - Mons - NAB - GARDEN: Guide on Archives RegarDing ENvironmental History in Belgium, 18th-20th century, produced by public institutions
2012 > 2016HasseltGentry and county of Loon
2013 > 2017TournaiHygiene and health in public and private space in Tournai (1830-1940)
2011 > 2015NAB - Joseph CuvelierJudaism and Jewish population in Belgium, 1795 – toady. An archives guide
2011 > 2014GhentResearch into the Ghent clergy and its anchorage in city, sovereign and religious networks at the time. Sint-Niklaas and Sint-Veerle (1384-1614)
2012 > 2014BrusselsRoots of loyalty conflicts. Church litigation before the Coucil of Brabant in the 18th century
2012 > 2015LiègeStudy on court files of subordinates of the prince-bishopric of Liège and Stavelot-Malmedy before the Imperial Chamber court (16th-18th century)
2013 > 2017NABThe Great War From Below. Forced Labour (deported and non-deported) during the First World War and their impact on Belgian society (1910-1930)
2017 > 2020NABThe SODA Project: A data archive for social sciences e-Procurement